Family Owned 25 Years Experience
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Nightmare in a Tank

Published March 2, 2015 in category: Uncategorized.

To those of you who are wondering why I’m writing this, or what kind of fiendish terror I’m referring to in the title of this little rant, the answer may shock and surprise you: water heaters. Sounds mundane, right?

That’s what I thought, too. Who would have ever thought that the water heater in your home, yes—the home that you bought just under 3 years ago almost brand new—would crack, leak, and ruin thousands of dollars’ worth of your belongings, including clothes, electronics, and an entire living room’s worth of furniture? Well, ladies and gentleman, I certainly didn’t think that would happen—but it did. It happened so quickly, so abruptly, that by the time I was able to do anything about it, my basement was already inches deep in the biggest flood this Midwestern housewife had ever had the displeasure of witnessing.

The reason I’m writing this is because I realized that this could happen to anyone. Most homes in America use water heaters…and mine was no exception, until now. After the incident, I began to do some research to prevent this little mishap from happening ever again, and the problem basically solves itself once you know what to do: invest in a tankless water heater. These things are a God send, no doubt about it. They’re small—way smaller than your average water heater tank—and last roughly 5 times the years that normal water heaters run for. Ever since I had my tankless water heater installed, my energy bill went down, I have more space to do laundry, I don’t have to wait for my shower to warm up anymore, and (knock on wood) my basement hasn’t flooded with dirty pipe water and ruined my TV.

Long story short: get a tankless water heater, people. It’s well worth it; trust me!

Until next time,

Shannon Jane

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